By identifying the Composites industry's needs, the Research & Development team at Quin Global has developed a groundbreaking range of adhesives formulated for specific applications and processes within Industries including Marine, Wind Energy, Automotive & Construction.
Here are 4 key reasons why the Tensorgrip® Composite range has earned a leading position in the Composites spray adhesives market:
- A product for every application
- Market-leading resin compatibility
- Complimenting your materials processes
- Global technical support
The Tensorgrip® Composite range is split into two categories:
INFUSION & RTM: Through every stage of dry lay up in Infusion and RTM processes, materials are placed in a wide variety of combinations and positions with varying levels of complexity and demand. This is where Tensorgrip® Composite products provide the perfect solution. Whether you are placing dry mat, core material, foam stringers, and other reinforcements, we have an end-to-end solution while ensuring the highest possible levels of resin compatibility, quality of the finished part, and minimized reworks.
PLUG BUILD & MOULD MAKING: Plug Build and Mould Manufacturing in the Composites Industry, is a very Individual and bespoke process. The Tensorgrip® TC products offer a range that allows their users to be successfully integrated with your common substrates and provide excellent adhesion and process time reduction. Whether you are working with a Ply deck, smooth or rough face polystyrene, PU or Epoxy Tooling block, or other common materials, we have the solution.