Why To Use A Floor Primer

Laying Carpet TilesFloor primers are a touchy subject in the flooring industry. Some refuse to lay a floor without one, others see them as a waste of time.

Primers are designed to do exactly what their name suggests. Prime floors. They are a liquid that’s applied to the floor before adhesive. They seal out moisture and anything that might

compromise the bond that will exist between the surface and covering.

Usually, primers are used for two main reasons;

Dirty Floor

  1. Porous Surfaces. They absorb stuff. Concrete and wood are 2 prime examples. When adhesive is laid directly on them, they can soak it up and weaken the bond.
  2. Contaminates. Like dust and dirt. When adhesive is applied, the contaminates mix with the adhesive and prevent the surfaces from sticking.

By choosing to use a primer, you might be adding up to an extra day to the installation, and stretching your budget. But, you won’t need to revisit the site later to fix up the job – costing you more money.

Primers give the confidence that all will go well. They make the floor surface ready for adhesive and the covering to be laid on top.  Not using a primer could mean the flooring doesn’t stick – hurting your reputation.

Really, it’s up to your discretion to decide if a primer is needed.

We recommend applying primer before TensorGrip to make sure you get optimum performance from the adhesive.
But, if you survey the installation site and believe a primer isn’t necessary – it’s up to you

Finished Floor

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