Why Customer Service is so important

We spoke to Margaret from Customer Service on why good customer service should be both proactive and reactive. When a customer takes the time to tell you about a problem, it’s vital that you respond to their feedback, and where possible, demonstrate that you’ve taken steps to rectify the issue. So here is what she had to say.  

In my opinion, Customer Service is one of the most important parts of a business.

Any Company who manufacturers product which ‘works’ should keep in touch with their end users to make sure they are happy. If a product ‘works’, there will be problems with the using of it, as nothing is perfect in this world.

My experience of buying a product such as a domestic iron for instance, is if it fails in any way the tendency is to go for another make, which is lost business to the manufacturer and has bad ongoing rapport.

If a manufacture wants to grow and get Brand presence, they need to keep in touch with the working product to learn about the defects that show up in ongoing use.

Currently, I have an iron which is only just out of guarantee and there is a silicon ‘patch’ on top of the handle which is coming unstuck.  Right now, I don’t know what to do because the manufacturer will not be interested as the guarantee has run out.

This, to me is very poor.  It’s still in perfect working order, but has a very annoying defect which the manufacturer will never know about, because they don’t call their end users.

I am passionate about Customer Service. I find it’s alive with queries, questions, and feedback. I love hearing what our end users are having to say in response to my asking them how happy they are with our product.

Companies who don’t call their end users lose customers without knowing about it.  We may lose customers, but we always without fail get them back, because we have strategy and positive reasons for why they should use our product which benefits any user. Our product never fails because of what it is.  It only fails if it is not used correctly, which is simple to sort by a free on-site demo on how to spray effectively.

This is what some of our cutomers have said about us:

Bevenny Mfg said "The best glue I have ever used ever and I’ve been in the business for 20 yrs! That's why we haven't changed. "

Spectrum Exhibitions said "It works and hasn’t has any problems since he started using it, and he is used to getting loads of problems."

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