Viribus Key Highlights

Highlights to Viribus. “With all one’s might”

When you start a journey, you know you will have many challenges to face, however, when faced together these challenges are merely bumps in the road. We chose Viribus as the name of our journey as it is Latin for strength (with all ones might) and this is what we will need to complete our journey, as we are always stronger together.

By building our vision together one brick at a time we aim to achieve our dreams, our personal dreams and our customers dreams. Our Viribus strategy will be achieved by everyone working together to accomplish our end goal.

Very much like LEGO, you start with one brick and by the end you have a completed structure. Throughout the construction it has given you space to learn and enabled you to reach your potential and turn your dreams into a reality. It also gives you that feeling of accomplishment where you have achieved the impossible and created a world where anything is possible.

So how are we going to achieve these end goals? Have a look below at our key highlights over the next few years which will give you an insight into how we will ensure we meet our key milestones.    

New Building

We are investing in a new production and warehouse facility.

The new facility will allow Quin Global UK to become more competitive through production efficiencies and allow it to increase its presence in international markets. It will also allow it to undertake a greater degree of research and development activity in relation to new products.

The building will be constructed using the latest energy efficient materials to ensure the building is as energy efficient as possible, which will include LED lighting. The total floor area in the new facility will be 30,000 sq ft, with 7,500 sq ft dedicated to production and 22,500 sq ft dedicated to storage and warehousing. It will have three loading/unloading bays to ensure the efficient movement of goods in and out.


As part of the our new Viribus strategy we are also looking to expand further into Europe through recruitment and key office locations. This will enable us to provide our European customers with local tongue, quicker lead times and an outstanding customer experience.

Further Vacancies

With expansion comes recruitment and new hires. As part of this journey we are looking give our employees the opportunity to progress their careers and give them the opportunities to reach their goals. We will also be looking to hire externally so watch this space for more information coming soon.

Training Academy

We will also be investing in young people by creating a space for learning. The training academy will be a learning system to provide our young people with the opportunity to develop their studies and skills.  Its primary purpose will be to make a translation of the strategy of the organization to training initiatives relevant for young people and the company.

The building will also house a state of the art lab which will be an innovation and industry specific testing centre with viewing platforms for visiting customers.

Staff education/training

Staff education and training is extremely important to us here at Quin because we believe if we look after our employees they will look after our customers. Training will consist of a variety of different channels such as quarterly product sales training and development of staff company wide. Education will also include things like academy learning and 1-2-1s.


Final Thoughts

When it comes to the construction of large scale LEGO projects the concentration and willpower you need to complete it is massive. When you first start you have all these bricks scattered about and are wondering how you are ever going to make it into the picture on the box. However, one brick at a time it starts to come into being and you know that if you follow the instructions you will end up with a completed project.  With each milestone we reach on our Viribus journey, whether that be the finished production and warehouse facility or our training academy up and running, we are moving one step closer to achieving our end goal.

We leave you with the words of Henry David Thoreau, “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”

To keep up to date on how we are progressing with our Viribus 2021 strategy follow us on our social channels here for more information.  


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