Top Tips for Foam and Upholstery

Where does furniture come from?

When you think of furniture what is the first thing that comes into your mind? Is it that feeling of relief when you get home from work and you can sink into a comfy sofa or chair and put your feet up? Or is when you get so hungry that you eat half your dinner before you even get to sit down at the table to eat it? Whatever comes to mind there is no denying that you spend the majority of your day interacting with furniture of some kind.

So thinking along this vein what do we actually class as furniture? The creation of furniture is purely a human trait and can be split into 3 broad areas:

Tables which defined by the oxford dictionaries as ‘a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at’.

Chairs are defined as ‘a separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs ‘. 

Finally, there are Cabinets which are defined as ‘A cupboard with shelves or drawers for storing or displaying articles. As you can see furniture is in every aspect of our lives but when did we actually start creating and using it? The modern day wouldn’t be the same today without these conveniences.   

Looking at the origins of furniture history tells us we started to create and use it from 3100 BC-2500BC. The ancient Neolithic furniture was perhaps not as comfortable as what we are used to today as it was made of stone but it shows the start of how we use and design furniture today.

Thanks to Archaeology & Arts   

Transitions of furniture design and manufacture

Throughout the years furniture design has gone through many different transitions such as the stiff, rectangular and unflattering pieces of the early Egyptians, through to the era of the renaissance where furniture was opulent and over the top. Each of the eras have something new and unique to bring to the ever-evolving style of furniture design. The new ways of producing furniture and the industrial revolution also had a big impact on the design and manufacture of these items.

However modern furniture today is very much influenced from the Bauhaus and Art Deco movements. None of these designs would be possible if it wasn’t for the use of new materials and methods that new technologies have made possible.

Top Tips

One of these new technologies is the use of adhesives within manufacturing process and as such we wanted to share our top tips on using our adhesives. Have a look below:

  • Tip 1 is using a single sided pressure sensitive adhesive could massively reduce the costs spent on adhesives. Please see Tensorgrip F40 or F30N for more details.
  • Tip 2 is all foam contains static. Mattress manufacturers are recommended to use Tensorgrip F30N due to it being a completely non flammable system.
  • Tip 3 is Train seating manufacturers need to use fire rated products.  TensorGrip F31 is the only “FR 0” adhesive, designed to bond foam and fabric.
  • Tip 4 having trouble with bleed through on fabrics? Look no further than our fast flashing non-chlorinated solvent systems. Tensorgrip F26 & F40.
  • Tip 5 HSE on your back for nasty chemicals in your adhesives?  Reduce the risk of cancer by switching to our non-chlorinated range. Tensorgrip F26 & F40
  • Tip 6 Fed up of cleaning out pressure pots?  Use our Tensorgrip range of adhesives which are self contained, pre-pressurised, portable and maintenance free.
  • Tip 7 Fed up of hazardous waste charges for using aerosols? Switch to Tensorgrip adhesives for a safer, more eco friendly system.
  • Top Tip:  Spray glue like you would spray paint. Lost of thin layers. 70% overlap for best results. Ensure you use a smooth fast hand motion.

For more information on the January Furniture Show have a look at the below blog: 

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