Selecting the right adhesive for your project is as easy as 1,2,3 & 4!

1) Begin by selecting your industry, or the one that is closest to it. (each industry has a select set of substrates that has a specific type of  adhesive geared towards it, so you want to select an industry that has all the same types of materials you will be working with)

2) Select the type of project you are working on; once again, ensure you pick something that relates to the kind of materials you will be working with.

3) Step three is easy,  you just need to find an adhesive that is suitable for all the types of substrates that you intend to bond together.

4) Last of all, double check that the features of the adhesive are suitable for your needs and Hey presto! You have the adhesive for you.

If you are working with substrates that are a little out of the ordinary, you can simply call our office and ask to speak to one of our adhesive specialists to get a personal assessment of your needs.

Still not sure? Try it out. We always recommend testing any adhesive for suitability before using it in production so if you’re not sure you have selected the right adhesive, again call our office and ask to speak to one of our adhesive specialists and they can arrange to send you a free sample for your own evaluation.

At Tensor it is our aim to ensure that you get the best bond for your needs, so if there is any way that we can make it easier for you to choose the right adhesive for your project just let us know.


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