See you at Compotec

Attendance at Seatec/Compotec

We are delighted to announce our attendance at Seatec/Compotec International Composite and Related Technologies Exhibition at Hall D Stand 886, on the 7th April 2018. We will be assisting our Tensor Distributor Mates Italiana on their stand during the event where we will be showcasing our range of composite adhesives. We will also be performing a live demonstration at 12:00 in the dedicated area where we can spray our adhesives and bond fibreglass mats onto an inverted flange.

Compotec, International Exhibition of Composites and Related Technologies, is the only Italian professional exhibition in the field of composite materials and their applications. It is concentrated in three days to optimize the times for exhibitors and visitors.

Compotec is aimed at all industrial sectors that use composite materials: from aerospace and aeronautics to automotive, from military to medical, from construction to design, from wind power to boating that employs them on a large scale. Compotec takes place at the same time as Seatec, "International technology review, subcontracting and design for boats, yachts and ships", with the aim of bringing together manufacturers, distributors, universities, research institutes, organizations and associations in a single exhibition context. to provide companies in the various sectors with highly professional promotional and business tools.

What Mates Italiana said

Clara Menefoglio Sales Manager at Mates Italiana said ‘We are looking forward to being part of the Compotec/Seatec Show, the biggest meeting point for the composite industry in Italy. It’s a great opportunity for us to showcase our innovative products and partnerships and we are delighted to be partnering with Quin Global on the stand. Why not join us at our training event on 7th April on dry stratification by adhesive soluble in vinylester resins to find out more or come by our stand at Hall D Stand 886.’

During the 3 day event, we will be exhibiting our composite adhesive range and doing live demonstrations so you can see our products in action. Why not come and see our live training in partnership with Mates Italiana on Dry stratification by adhesive soluble in vinylester resins on Saturday 7th April at 12:00.

TensorGrip products are more than simply using an adhesive canister, it is having everything you need to create unbeatable bonds in as simple fashion as possible.  Our adhesive systems eliminate the need to use traditional methods of bonding that are messy, wasteful and time-consuming.  TensorGrip®   is a spray adhesive that gives you complete control resulting in an even and consistent spray pattern.  Our revolutionary TensorGrip® adhesive formulas reduces tack time to less than one minute and speeds up workflow and reduce production time.

What Quin Global had to say

Mark Berry EMEIA Business Development Manager at Quin Global UK said ‘We are delighted to be attending the show and partnering with Mates Italiana where we will be presenting our innovative products to the composite market. We recognise the importance of speedy production in the composites industry. That’s why we’ve developed a unique pre-pressurised adhesive system, engineered to give an end-to-end solution. Interested in finding out more, why not come by our stand where our sales team will be able to talk through your requirements and how our products can meet them. We look forward to seeing you there and creating new partnerships and illustrating how our products can really give you peace of mind.’

If you’re not able to attend why not keep up to date on our twitter and Facebook channels If you can’t make any of the demonstrations we also have our HOW 2 channels on YouTube.   You can access the composite playlist here .

We look forward to exhibiting and meeting you all there. To find out more information on Quin Global and TensorGrip®  please go to our websites Quin Global and Tensor Global  or to find out more about the composites range we are taking to the show please click here.


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