Quin Global Fills Current Gap For Manufacturers and Distributors With On-Site Training


U.S. manufacturers and distributors are ready to grow with more product knowledge. Quin Global recognizes the value of partnerships with adhesive manufacturers by offering customized training sessions. Last month, Craig Floyd, General Manager, and Mike Conway, Account Manager, from Industrial Finishes traveled to Quin Global’s corporate office in Omaha, Nebraska to learn more about Tensor adhesives and how to align our adhesives with their customer’s needs.

“The day was spent reviewing each targeted market and how there is a variety of Tensor adhesives that will appeal to their customer base,” says Mike Glenn, Sales Manager for Quin Global.

Why does training build sales?

  • Kicks the competition to the curb. The more your sales team understands the adhesive products available and being able offer to a specific adhesive for individual needs, positions your team as experts within your industry.
  • Creates a culture of performance. Training and education are key to a high performing sales culture.  A consistent focus on product awareness allows you to build a team of high performers.
  • Partners strengthen the bond. Quin wants our customers to build sales. How does that happen? By offering support to customers through education and training.

Find out more about the benefits of working directly with one of the largest providers of canister adhesives.  Reach out to our Adhesive Consultants today at 402.731.3636 and info.us@quin-global.com.

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