Our Warehouse Process


High Jinx with Warehouse

Ever wondered how our products get to you? We have spent the last month talking about  our Warehouse team and what happens when your orders come in to when they leave us. Interested in how it all works, why not have a look at our timeline which talks you through the whole process.

Meet our Warehouse team 

Our Warehouse team are busy people and the gentlemen above are the ones who process your orders.  Dependent on the scale of the orders they will load and pack between 10 and 25 pallets a day! I know that is some amount of pallets!  On average they send out at least 20 tons of product a month. Logistics is obviously the way forward if you want to keep fit and healthy as they walk between 5-6 miles and lift on average 500-600kg  per day!

We wanted to find out more about what makes them tick so sat down to have chat and talked about how they all got into logistics, what the process is for orders coming in and what a typical day for them looks like and found out its run by a printer! Why not have a look at their video below.



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