Composite Materials: it's time to get noticed

Composite Materials: it's time to get noticed

The composite materials industry has to push to be noticed, it would seem. They’re an arcane specialism that, although highly important for structural building, needs to make its voice heard via fundraisers and extensive lobbying.

That’s what it seemed like in the US when the American Composites Manufacturers Association’s (ACMA) took to Capitol Hill last week to inform members of Congress about the value of composite materials in the American manufacturing industry.

Being the unified voice of all sectors of the industry, the ACMA uses their days at Capitol Hill to help composites manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and end-users make their needs known.

The problem, however, lies with widespread ignorance of the industry from policy makers.

The importance of manufacturers

James Crain, Market Manager for Reinforcements at Composites One, said, “Many people [in Washington] don’t know what we’re talking about. They don’t know what the definition of a composite material is, so I think we’re making a difference from an awareness standpoint.”

Many more members of the industry use their time with Congress members to stress the importance of composites.

Tom Dobbins, President of the ACMA, said, “The state of our crumbling infrastructure has been well documented. Composites are the solution to the problem. The only way to gain broader adoption of composites is to educate policy makers.”

Adhesive support

It’s a problem that stretches far beyond the US. Across the world, the invisible hand of composite materials is helping structures stay standing, but few people notice their contribution.

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